Health Policy
Please do not come to class if your child has:
- had a fever within the last 24 hours,
- rashes,
- greenish discharge from the nose,
- excessive coughing,
- or any communicable disease (chicken pox, strep throat, etc.)
- exposure to someone with COVID or COVID symptoms
This helps to protect all our children and adults from illness. Let us know you will miss class, and then you can schedule a makeup when your child is healthy.
Photo by Evermore Photo Co.

In Studio and Outdoor Classes

Our in-studio classes are held at The Studio Athens, a performing arts space located at the Chase Park Warehouses (160 Tracy Street, Unit 8 ). We are right next door to Canopy Studios. Some classes will be held at in Studio 3, which is to the LEFT of Canopy Studio with a teal door.
There is parking in front the The Studio, but if those spaces are full there is a parking lot to the left of the building.
When we offer Outdoor classes, they are typically held at Bishop Park (705 Sunset Drive). We usually have class on the grassy area by the picnic shelter. Turn RIGHT in front of the gym after you enter the park, then drive all the way down to the picnic shelter and we will be in the grass by the trees.
Absences and Makeups
ABSENCES: If you know in advance that you will be absent from class, please let us know so we can make note of your absence. When you notify us about an absence, we open your spot for someone who would like to schedule a makeup. You can schedule absences online in your registration portal!
MAKEUPS: Makeups can be scheduled provided there is space available in the class. To avoid overcrowding in classes, we limit makeups in each class. PLEASE NOTE! Because many people wait to the end of the session to schedule their makeups, it isn’t always possible to accommodate everyone. Please do your best to schedule your makeups earlier in the session. You’re welcome to schedule a makeup before a scheduled absence. Makeups must be completed during the session you are registered for.
To schedule your absences and makeup classes, please use your registration portal.
Tuition payment can be made by credit card or cash. Tuition is due before the first day of class.
Fees will be charged when you register online.
Split Payment Option
We offer a split payment option to families that register for a 10 week session. Payment is split up evenly over 3 months. There is a $6 fee for this option ($2 per payment). Contact Cathy at if you are interested in this option. Our standard withdrawal and refund policies apply.

Refund Policy
Full refunds are available each session as long as the refund request is made five business days or more before the first day of the session.
- Starting Fall 2020, all refunds will be issued via check.
- Late Refund Requests
- Refund requests received four business days or less before the session starts, and before the first time your class meets: We will refund your tuition minus a $25 administration fee.
- Refund requests received after your first class meeting and before week five: We will refund your tuition minus a $25 administration fee, a $30 materials fee, and $13.50 for each class that has occurred (sibling classes at $8.50 per class).
- Refund requests will no longer be honored after the fourth week of the session.
- Materials: $30 of your tuition pays for materials. If you received physical materials and return them to us with an unopened CD and the book in new condition, we will refund you the $30 materials fee. We cannot refund digital music.
Contact Cathy at if you would like to request a refund.